![]() 10/05/2017 at 00:49 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
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Tomatoes don’t belong on Ham/Cheeseburgers. The patty is warm, soft, and moist. You don’t add something cold, soft, and moist to that. You add things with texture. Like lettuce, onions, pickles etc.
If you’re under 40 years old. Running a half marathon is not an accomplishment. Also WTF do people want to run marathons? The first person who did was a professional messenger/runner and he died from it. And that was before sodas, McDonalds, and cigarettes.
The GT-86/FR-S/BR-Z has enough power
Leather interiors/seats are fucking stupid. I fail to see how they’re better than cloth in pretty much anyway.
People with classic cars should run cats. Modern one’s hardly affect air flow and cost like $50
Freshman and Sophomore level classes at four year universities are a fucking scam. Go to a community college then transfer. Also before we make a universities free, first we should just make CC free. Because it’s way better and then 4 year universities wouldn’t be able to scalp students if the majority of people went to CC first.
We should have a sin tax on sodas (in America.) At least cigarettes don’t cause you to need medical treatment until you’re about to die. Obesity causes all kinds of shit until it kills you.
Well, that’s all for tonight.
![]() 10/05/2017 at 00:56 |
Leather seats are easier to clean than cloth seats.
![]() 10/05/2017 at 00:59 |
Maybe, but cloth seats still aren’t hard to clean. Just vacuum them and if they have stains get some of that stain remover for like $10. If it’s dark cloth it works well enough.
Not worth 10k or anything.
![]() 10/05/2017 at 01:05 |
Yes, yes, yes, dunno, yes, no, yes, kinda.
Classic cars don’t do enough mileage to pay off the environmental impact of making and disposing of a cat. Precious metals are mostly pretty ugly, environmentally speaking.
And while I’m generally with you on a sin tax, don’t just pick on sodas. Sugars of all types should be taxed per pound, whatever they’re used in. Same applies to alcohol - excise tax should be calculated per unit alcohol not as a % of price.
But use the money to subsidise/encourage desired behaviours - just punishing poor folks for buying the cheapest available food is counterproductive.
![]() 10/05/2017 at 01:08 |
5. Obviously you’ve never seen the cloth seats in my Kia Optima. I’d prefer old vinyl seats out of a Chevette than this nasty shit.
6. The Falcon I was behind in traffic in my earlier post nearly made me pass out from the exhaust. I concur.
8. Yeah, probably
![]() 10/05/2017 at 01:13 |
1. I see your point, but I disagree. Tomato and crunchy lettuce pair nicely on a burger.
3. I think so.
4. Never had either one.
5. Well, they are a lot easier to clean. Cloth seats you like... you pretty much can’t let anyone eat in your car, and children have to ride on the roof.
6. But PERIOD CORRECT! Except for all the ones with an LS swap.
7. Not enough energy to get into that one.
8. Corn lobbyists won’t allow that.
![]() 10/05/2017 at 01:15 |
The only problem I have with taxing sugar is food companies put it in damn near everything so consumers can’t really avoid it.
I wouldn’t want an insane tax on soda, but like $1/liter (how ever that breaks down to ounces.) Wouldn’t be insanely expensive, but would generate a lot of revenue for medicaid, medicare, or even social security. Or single payer healthcare if we ever go that route.
![]() 10/05/2017 at 01:17 |
I saw two very over weight 10-12 year old girls drinking free cups of creamer with straws today...
![]() 10/05/2017 at 01:19 |
I disagree with smoking. It depends on your genes and how much you smoke. My dad, a heavy smoker, got lung cancer and died at age 58. Way too early.
![]() 10/05/2017 at 01:24 |
I can’t even.....
![]() 10/05/2017 at 01:26 |
I’m not saying smoking doesn’t kill you early, but in terms of medical cost. Obesity brings on a lot of medical issues throughout your whole life. In my experience smokers don’t really get treatment until they’re about to die. Which I would imagine is less expensive than treating diabetes for 40 years.
![]() 10/05/2017 at 01:26 |
Philadelphia has a soda tax of 1.5 cents per ounce. That’s an extra 30 cents per 20 ounce bottle. While I agree with the premise, I find it odd that the tax is the same whether it’s regular or diet soda.
![]() 10/05/2017 at 01:26 |
Cats could get fouled up on older cars that were not designed with them in mind. The excess fuel and/or carbon from a less than ideal burn ruin the cat after a little while. Installation would drive the cost up from $50 and I wouldn’t necessarily trust every muffler shop to place the cat in the right spot(they operate above 600°F)
![]() 10/05/2017 at 01:27 |
Good point, I didn’t think about that.
![]() 10/05/2017 at 01:28 |
I take it that you haven’t had to clean off-white alcantara, or denim stains out of very light-toned cloth?
![]() 10/05/2017 at 01:35 |
If I had, I’d be unqualified to make a hot take about leather.
![]() 10/05/2017 at 01:43 |
I stopped at 4. Too angry. Where do you live?
![]() 10/05/2017 at 02:14 |
1) You’re a fool - the tomato adds a nice flavor contrast as well as some added moistness vs. adding a salt and fat heavy sauce that people seem to crave (to combat you claims in #8)
2) Running 10+ miles straight is an accomplishment. I nthe “olden days” the whole marathon literally killed a man. A mile is a warm up, 5 miles is some hard exercise so yeah, 13 miles is an accomplishment given how few people can do it. Fuck you.
3) Agreed.
4) I’m in the midwest so this is irrelevant here
5) Heated leather is comfier than heated cloth and properly done leather lasts a LOT longer. Sadly, most people don’t care for their eats and ugly leather looks worse than ugly coth because people assume leather needs to always look nice, while coth is excused because it looked like a poor person’s choice from day 1.
6) 200% agree. 1000000000% agree for people who buy a brand new car like a FoST or a GTI and immediately want to “Decat and muffler delete” it. They are all fools and usually all buy a complete exhaust system ASAP because of how dumb it sounds and how bad of an idea it is.
7) 50/50 on this. Ask yourself what those extra years at the university get you. If CC credits only transfer for freshman level courses, then don’t stay past freshman year. Likewise, my college had me in an internship for over half the time I was in college so my “professional experience” clock started way earlier than most. Being at CC wouldn’t have given the same experience. But there are many other circumstances where CC would be the far better option.
8) Wow this is a rather ignorant take......Part 1) Tobacco smoking and chewing often *does* require medical attention throughout your life. Part 2) Zero calorie soda exists. It’s a thing. It just doesn’t make you magically thin like people seem to think it will. Putting a tax on that would be like putting a tax on lettuce because sometimes green food has a lot of fats in it.
![]() 10/05/2017 at 02:42 |
1. tomatoes can be crisp, they can only go on burgers if they are freshly sliced. anything else can gtfo
2. in a world with increased obesity I applaud anyone who has the incentive to run more than a couple of km’s
3. it has enough power only if it loses some more weight, it needs to be able to outrun a V6 camry.
4. if you say so
5. leather feels better and cleans easier. They suck in hot weather though.
6. meow
7. education should be as free as possible.
8. My country is bringing a sugary drink tax in, there’s a problem in that it’s a tax that will mostly hurt the poor. It should be part of a larger programme to educate people on healthy eating habits, limiting the amount of junk food advertised at children and encourage active healthy transport programs such as ‘walk to school’ day.
![]() 10/05/2017 at 02:55 |
Cats and carburetors have never been a good mix.
Also: most classic cars aren’t driven regularly, so would it really make a difference in air quality on a car that does maybe 2000 miles a year? (I don’t even do that)
![]() 10/05/2017 at 07:51 |
Only problem I have with this post is that I’m now singing eurobeat very loudly.
![]() 10/05/2017 at 11:25 |
Raw tomatoes are disgusting. I’d rather take a knee to the crotch.
So, naturally, whenever I forget to say no tomatoes on my sandwich order, I get the most perfect and beautiful tomato slices you’ve ever seen. It made my stepdad bitter, because while I and my sister always get perfect tomatoes and hate them, he loved tomatoes and was always given green, nasty, slimy tomatoes.
![]() 10/05/2017 at 12:48 |
Umm 2 liters are often $1. $1 a liter would be a ridiculous tax rate. Considering the volume soda sells you wouldn’t need a high tax to get significant revenue.